Crackdown Wiki
Cluster Grenade
Cluster Grenade
Production information

Shai-Gen Corporation



Technical specifications


Damage Per Hit


Maximum Ammunition


Fire Mode





The Cluster Grenade is a hand-held throwable in both Crackdown and Crackdown 2. It is an Explosive used mainly by the Shai-Gen Corporation due to them being the manufactures of the Grenade themselves.



The Cluster Grenade is a round Throwable painted Red with some kind of Light Blue material in the middle of it, With a small Shai-Gen logo noticeable on the explosives front of the Grenade.


It is only found in the Corridor District of Pacific City, It can be found among many groups of members in the governing Shai-Gen. Look for the ones that throw the grenades (Mainly Kiao-Lung Guards), And then kill one of them with any Firearm pick the grenade up and store it at the nearest Supply Point. While its blast radius and power are not as good compared to other Grenades, It is set apart by the fact that when it detonates a cache of other grenades disperses flying everywhere, Either exploding on contact with the ground or other solid surface. Making it a more potent explosive in the game, It is considered one of the best weapons in the game and is extremely effective for an agent with a maxed out explosive skill.

Crackdown 2[]

The cluster grenade functions much like its first game counterpart and causes one grenade to split into roughly 8 submunitions. On its own it is capable of causing mass damage over a wide area, The downside compared to last games is when the Explosive Skills are maxed out it will instead dispense only two or three, Due to its expanded explosion like a normal Grenades. Its power can arguably surpass that of the Quacker due to its area of effect, The spread of the weapon can be diminished in close quarters combat. Cells Rocket Launcher Units are known to be the ones to carry this Grenade.


  • It is the best for taking out soldiers with health bar that are level 1 or 2 agents health.
  • Like the Shrapnel Grenade, pairing this with something like the Grenade Launcher causes maximum area damage.
List of Weapons in Crackdown
Agency Weapons Colby "Master" · Colby EAR50 · Colby "Limpet Charge" · MSK Lobber · HRX "Harpoon" · MZ360 "Mini-Gun" · EX1 "Proximity Charge" · VS1 "Cloaking Device"
Gang Weapons Kokov "Diktat" · Smithers "Punisher" · Dempsey SO-6 "Stub" · Dempsey 190 "Equalizer" · Harman MP-50 · Ingalls X80 SMG · Ingalls MG-60 · Harlington HMG-90 · Bastion S600 "Long Eye" · Bastion SX900 "Longshot" · Watson HE79 "Grenadier" · Watson HE99 "Hothead" · Watson HE99-X "Firefly" · Grenade · Shrapnel Grenade · Cluster Grenade
List of Weapons in Crackdown 2
Agency Weapons Assault Rifle · Flocket Launcher · Harpoon · Machine Gun · Mass Driver · Shotgun · SMG · Sniper · Stickler Grenade · Thrusters · Ultra Assault Rifle · Ultra Shotgun · Ultra SMG · UV Shotgun · Grenade · Mag · Portable Launch Pad · Proximity Mines · Satchel Charge · UV Grenade · AM Sniper ·
Cell Weapons Demp 90-A · Grenade Launcher · Homing Launcher · Ingalls AL-107 · Ingalls XGS · Mach HMG-120 · Rocket Launcher · Sniper SX-1A · Turret Flack · Turret Machine Gun · Turret Rocket Launcher · Cluster Grenade · Shrapnel Grenade
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