Crackdown Wiki

Insight Counter Services is a fortified complex located in the lone seas of The Corridor, an area controlled by the Shai-Gen Corporation primarily used for their counter-intelligence operations such as: Security, and defence managements.


Insight Counter Services


The building itself is a round, spiralled complex with five different levelled floors built inside. It is situated offshore on a small island, making it a strategic and defensible location.

Complex features[]

  • Entrance Tunnels: These tunnels connect the building to the mainland via bridges.
  • Glass Bridges and Corridors: The interior includes impenetrable glass bridges and corridors, providing both security and visibility.
  • Parking Lots: There are parking areas within the complex, including one on the rooftop.
  • Detention Wing: The lower levels of the building contain high-security cells used to detain captured enemies and suspected spies. The cells are reinforced with advanced materials and tend to be monitored 24/7.
  • Vitaly Rzezniks Office: The top floor of the complex is where Vitaly Rzeznik, the security director for Shai-Gen, can be found. The office is luxuriously furnished and offer a panoramic view of the city from behind.
  • Defensive Layout: The building’s design includes multiple defensive features, making it a challenging location for intruders to penetrate.

Crackdown 2[]

Insight Counter Services 2

Crackdown 2

In Crackdown 2, the Insight Counter Services complex is depicted in a more dilapidated state. Many of its original features, such as the glass bridges and parking lot floors, have since collapsed or been destroyed by the ruined debris. The wall located at the back where the ocean view of the highway used to be has since collapsed, leading to the many floodings in the lower levels.


  • The complex is known for housing the Baggage Carrier, a notable secret vehicle in the game.
  • Peacekeepers can be found imprisoned in the facility, and can all be released to assist the play by saving the Enforcer from the Kiao-Lung Guards in the training court.